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The most widely used published English version of Hegel's lectures on aesthetics is Knox's two-volume Hegel's Aesthetics: Lectures on Fine Art, but Knox relied on an edition prepared by Hegel's student H. G. Hotho, and contemporary scholars have been at pains to use the existing transcriptions of those lectures in an effort to pare off the authentic words of Hegel himself from the accretions of his disciple. The more modest path which Rutter defends may thus leave aside some of the larger questions that Hegel clearly thinks works of literature, especially, provoke us to ask about the historical path we have taken to arrive at modernity and its significance. Discover Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel famous and rare quotes. “Art does not simply reveal God: it is one of the ways in which God reveals, and thus actualizes, himself.” ― Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Introductory Lectures on Aesthetics – Art, in fact manifest the Absolute in a tangible form. (As Rutter points out, the Phenomenology of Spirit makes use both of works that Hegel continues to admire in Berlin as world-historically important, but it also picks up -- in a manner not unknown to some of his Romantic rivals -- the more epiphenomenal literary notes sounded in review articles and works that are now quite obscure. Art, for Hegel, is essentially figurative. As he examines Hegel's broader reconciliatory interests in modern poetry and literature -- his praise, for example, of Sterne's "true" or "objective" humor in opposition to the "subjective" humor he castigates in Jean Paul -- Rutter offers a close reading of some of the poetic works which Hegel praised most highly (but which, like Goethe's West-östlicher Divan, may be known to Germanists but probably to few philosophers, Hegelians included). At the Limits: What Drives Experiences of the Sublime, Reflective and Non-reflective Aesthetic Ideas in Kant’s Theory of Art, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic, Copyright © 2020 British Society of Aesthetics. — Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. (Hegel himself speaks of the notion of a "partial" satisfaction associated with works of art). If you originally registered with a username please use that to sign in. Accessibility Information, have rightly pointed out that Hegel's claims seem to be more precise than this -- that Hegel does not in fact declare the "end of art" in the sense of its death but rather insists that (in T. M. Knox's translation) "the form of art has ceased to be the supreme need of the spirit." Hegel's concern is thus with how lyric can be both intimate and universal, helping to clarify or objectify emotions (thus not freeing the individual of passions in a Kantian way but allowing the individual somehow to be free. This is not because itseeks to imitate nature, but because its purpose is to express andembody free spirit and this is achieved most adequatelythrough images of human beings. This article is also available for rental through DeepDyve. The first claim, he argues, is not inconsistent with a notion of modern art that is also. any longer for those of us who inhabit a modern, rationalistic and bourgeois age. The important lyric concern, from the perspective of Hegel's philosophy of art, is the key Hegelian notion of reconciliation, which Rutter construes along the lines of Dutch painting's sense of "absorption" as an "immediately felt sense of investment in one's world, and thus the 'heart's deeper immersion in the object'" (p. 179). Philosophy is the history of philosophy. (since it can no longer address all of our most important concerns) and, (since whatever insight a work of art might offer is presumably better comprehended philosophically). , which Rutter construes along the lines of Dutch painting's sense of "absorption" as an "immediately felt sense of investment in one's world, and thus the 'heart's deeper immersion in the object'" (p. 179). ", Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - "Propounding peace and love without practical or institutional engagement is delusion,...". art can still matter (or even -- as is the bolder claim of this book --, ) for Hegel. Hegel Quotes. – It means taking aim Spirit, speaking through a form or a concrete representation. As he puts it: the "generalistic" perspective of the philosopher can be consistent with the "eye-level" insight of the artist into "local" domains. Reviewed by Allen Speight, Boston University. — Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Hegel does not think, after all, that beauty is something which is determined as content readily transportable between various artistic media; artists do not place into their works some separable "meaning" or previously arrived-at self-knowledge which is then executed in the work of art, but content and form are bound up with each other just as intention and action are for Hegel. Hegel’s main concern – which was also his main insight – was to overcome fragmentation and bifurcation. ISSN: 1538 - 1617 role for literature in Hegel's philosophical work, on which literature is not merely mined for, of norms but "as criterial aspects of just what it could be to espouse or avow" a particular value (p. 62, n. 27). The most widely used published English version of Hegel's lectures on aesthetics is Knox's two-volume. — the only genuine source of Hegel quotes on the internet, where you can verify the quote and read it in its context. (The situation is in fact worse than this, since not even all of the aesthetics lecture series transcripts have been published yet in German.). Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. This, for Hegel, was where art reached its limits as a means for grasping the whole. Photo by Christopher Jolly / Unsplash, 32 Contemplative Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Quotes - MagicalQuote. In the post-Romantic condition, art no longer has a supreme task to fulfil. The sublime in art is the attempt to express the infinite without finding in the realm of phenomena any object which proves itself fitting for this representation. Further, the notion of "sublation" to which Henrich appeals needs to be contextually examined as well: on Rutter's view there is a distinction between the notion of sublation relevant within the philosophy of history (where the world spirit moves on from ancient Egypt or China, never to return) and the notion of sublation that pertains in Hegel's treatment of the ethical institutions of modern life (where the family is the first form of ethical life, but remains a significant moment within the larger scope of the state). Modern philosophy (since Descartes) has been mostly characterized by the turn to the subject.…. Hegel, as was noted, had, like Greenberg, a strict notion of what comprised “art” and it was high art or what the art critic termed “significant’ art. But those who have attempted to rescue a Hegel whose aesthetics might still be philosophically relevant for at least some of the significant developments in art and literature since his death in 1831 have not always taken up the broader philosophical question about how and why art can still matter (or even -- as is the bolder claim of this book -- be indispensable) for Hegel. Search for other works by this author on: © British Society of Aesthetics 2012, 2013. You could not be signed in. "Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion." Hegel does not think, after all, that beauty is something which is determined as content readily transportable between various artistic media; artists do not place into their works some separable "meaning" or previously arrived-at self-knowledge which is then executed in the work of art, but content and form are bound up with each other just as intention and action are for Hegel. It does not have to be so.” It … If you want to love you must serve, if you want freedom you must die.

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