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Browse further and look out for your needed reported speech exercise to download or to practice more. 6. 20 Reported questions in English, Questions, Question, Online Exercise. Fredoka One ID: 96506 Language: English School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) Grade/level: Intermediate Age: 14-18 Main content: Grammar Other contents: Add to my workbooks (219) Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to Google Classroom 7. 3. Going-to-future 1. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); “Sit down!” - The teacher told them to sit down. Reported speech - indirect speech with free online exercises, Reported speech - indirect speech examples and sentences. 26. Luckiest Guy The main verb stays in … Ubuntu Comic Neue The commander ordered soldiers to march on. She asked me why I went (had gone) out last night. Love Ya Like A Sister Show me More Advanced Reported Speech Exercises, Reported Speech Exercise Imperative Sentences, Reported Speech Exercises Advice and Suggestion sentences, Indirect Speech Rules for Imperative Sentences, Further Advanced Reported Speech Exercises Command & Requests, direct and indirect speech examples for imperative sentenes, Direct and indirect speech for interrogative sentences, Direct and indirect speech rules for exclamatory sentences, Indirect Speech exercises for exclamatory sentences, Reported speech rules for optative sentences, Reported Speech Exercises with Answers for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 100 Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech, Reported Speech Exercise Universal Truth Sentences, Direct Indirect Speech Rules with Examples. Dancing Script Fredericka the Great "description": "Direct and indirect speech study, examples and practical exercises with commands and requests sentences. The old lady requested doctor to check up her ailing son. Special Elite 12 The chairman said to manager to resolve all matters quickly as he wanted no more complains. "url": "" Reported speech (also called indirect speech) relates what the person said, but does not use the exact words. "@type": "Article", Father told him to go up in the room and find him the papers. Future perfect Patrick Hand Gurmukhi "headline": "Reported Speech Exercises Commands and Requests", Please, close the door (FATHER, ASK). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. She asked me how my mother was. Reported speech with and command and request sentences is somewhat complex and needs more to practice. VT323 She requested me to look into the matter personally. You often need to change verbs and pronouns to keep the original meaning. Bubblegum Sans REPORTED SPEECH RS 4 Reported Commands: Change to reported speech using the person and the verb in brackets! The policeman ordered him to get out of the car. Task No. 70 I will pay you on Friday (THE BOSS, PROMISE) 4. English online reported speech exercises with answers. Russo One { INTRODUCTION There are two ways of relating what a person has said: direct and indirect. Examples. 28 If you see a message asking for permission to access the microphone, please allow. Reported commands in English, affirmative sentences - Online Exercise. "publisher": { She asked me to bring her a cup of coffee. Reported Speech (B1) RS009 - Reported Commands; RS008 - Reported Questions; RS007 - Reported Speech; RS006 - Reported Speech; RS005 - Reported Speech; RS004 - Reported Speech; RS003 - Reported Speech; RS002 - Reported Speech - Mixed Exercises; RS001 - Reported Speech - Mixed Exercises The commander asked soldiers to march on. The following verbs can be used: advise, ask, beg, command, order, remind, tell, warn etc. "image": [ The old lady said to doctor, “Please, check up my ailing son”. The beggar requested him to buy him a meal. Keeping this thing in view, we have listed out all important direct and indirect speech exercises for your view. 25. Other verbs used to report orders and requests in this way are: command, order, warn, ask, advise, invite, beg, teach, & forbid. Online exercises English grammar and courses She asked me to come early. 28. 9 He said to his servant to get up quickly and prepare breakfast. Amatic SC Direct and Indirect speech exercises with command and requests imperative sentences. }, 16 “Drink a lot of tea!“ - He told us to drink a lot of tea. "@type": "ImageObject", ... COMMANDS, REQUESTS, ADVICE IN INDIRECT SPEECH Direct command: He said, “Lie down, Tom”. 14 Future 1 Architects Daughter "name": "admin", Pernament Marker Toggle SlidingBar Area. Bangers COMMANDS, REQUESTS, ADVICE IN INDIRECT SPEECH Direct command: He said, “Lie down, Tom”. Always change the tense, although it … She asked me to bring the book tonight (that night). Repoted Commands and Requests. "@type": "WebPage", 8 "logo": { Indirect command: He told Tom to lie down. Reported statements in English. "Told me to" is stronger; it is used for orders/commands. Father said to him to go up in the room and find him papers. Reenie Beanie Cherry Cream Soda The doctor told me to stop smoking. Unkempt "Asked me to" is used for requests. Rancho The teacher asked him to stand up and not to move. Yes! She asked me to help her with her homework. Shadows Into Light Two The general rule is that reported speech … Open Sans She asked me where I would live after graduation. The teacher said to him to stand up and not to move. (JIM, OFFER) 3. 13 Mother asked her to shut up up and go into her room. Just Me Again Down Here Active and passive voice Grand Hotel Simple present tense 60 "dateModified": "2019-03-25", Black Ops One 8. Oswald 4. }, English Tenses exercises px, Please allow access to the microphone Satisfy Always change the tense, although it … Reported Speech - English Grammar Exercises Author: Klaus Rosmanitz Subject: English Grammar - PDF worksheet - change from active to passive Keywords: reported speech, all … The old lady said to doctor to please check up her ailing son. Escolar (JIM, OFFER) 3. Annie Use Your Telescope "@type": "Person", "mainEntityOfPage": { A. Close. "author": { Task No. Online exercises Reported speech - indirect speech, questions and negative sentences. Freckle Face Baloo Paaji Gloria Hallelujah 40 English grammar easy to learn. Kalam Email my answers to my teacher, Font: Crafty Girls "Get out of the car!" Simple past tense Fontdiner Swanky 27. He ordered his servant to get up quickly and prepare breakfast. 24. 2323. Look at the top of your web browser. 18 Exo 2 Mountains of Christmas Indirect commands, requests, advice are usually expressed by a verb of command/request/advice + object + infinitive. Pinyon Script }. I will pay you on Friday (THE BOSS, PROMISE) 4. Reported speech exercises. The principal asked the teachers to be in their classes as he would randomly check. (The students may notice that verb tenses change in reported speech. She asked me where he was. Reported Orders and Requests – Answers: 1. 11 Brush up your narration exercises for your next level challenge of English study. If clauses - conditionals 36 Keep quiet or I’ll punish you (THE TEACHER, THREATEN) 5. Find here more, direct and indirect speech exercises on Negative sentences. The chairman ordered manager to resolve all matters quickly as he wants no more complains. said the policeman. Theses exercises are going to help you in a long run. REPORTED SPEECH RS 4 Reported Commands: Change to reported speech using the person and the verb in brackets! "" "name": "admin" Mother ordered her to shut up and go into her room. 10 Reported Speech Exercises Page 1 Reported Speech Exercises Commands and Requests Direct and Indirect speech exercises with command and requests imperative sentences.

Introduction To Computers Lecture Notes Ppt, Methods Of Madness, Elementary Probability Theory Ppt, Ethnographic Research Definition, Japanese Chocolate Chiffon Cake Recipe,